💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃

to your Metabolism Makeover.

Metabolism Makeover is the only weight loss program that won’t have you counting down the days to its end.

This program teaches you a sustainable fat loss lifestyle without all the tracking, measuring, and numbers—so you can get back to enjoying your life and just. eat. the. damn. food. 🙌

Burn fat by following a biology-backed structure that will rev up your metabolism permanently.

Fat loss without giving up your favorite foods or your social life

Because no food should be "off-limits" and eating healthy should not mean sacrificing your social life. Say it with me: You should not be stressed walking into a restaurant.

Not thinking about food 24/7

Take back control of your life and spend more time thinking about the things you actually love.

Shorter gym seshes, better results

Exercising less and losing more? YEP. Quit the daily cardio and learn how to work out smarter, not harder.

Better: skin, energy, digestion, focus, sleep, & bloodwork

When you focus on improving your metabolism instead of just dropping weight, your body can heal. You are no longer in survival mode.

Feeling: HOT. Empowered. Free. Confident. (Actual feedback from MM alumni)

....happy. Supported. At peace. We could talk about our client wins all day (and you'll love having a whole MM community to share your wins with and hype you up).

We love a good before & after.

Before Metabolism Makeover

Food FOMO.
Your weight always being “a thing” and keeping you from a social life.
Being the “weird” one and always having to answer the “so what CAN you eat?” question.
Daily Dunkin’ dependence.

After Metabolism Makeover

Total. Food. Freedom.
Never worry about upcoming social events and having nothing to wear.
Make empowered choices and eat the same food as your friends/family.
Dump your sugar addiction.
[MM] will fix things you didn’t even know needed to be fixed.
It worked when NOTHING ELSE ever made a dent.
I never have to 'start over' on Monday!
It's nothing short of life changing!
I’m down on the scale...but it’s my relationship with myself that’s my #1 win.
[Metabolism Makeover] is incredibly easy to follow in real-life situations.

No tracking. No restrictions. Just proven science and a community to support you.

Our scientific approach works because biology isn’t based on opinion. Unlearn everything you thought you knew about nutrition and learn how to hack your biology instead, so your metabolism does all the heavy lifting for you.

You’ve rinsed and repeated the same ol’ routine: count the calories, restrict your diet, get hungry (read: hangry), then say “screw it” and binge eat.

Metabolism Makeover is no-nonsense nutrition - looking at you, Keto, Paleo, Whole30…

Each week in Metabolism Makeover, you’ll learn the biology of your body and HOW to repair your metabolism with foods you already eat and know how to cook.

Week 1

your B.S.

That is, your blood sugar. Learn how to keep your body in fat-burning mode.

Week 2


Movement impacts your metabolism - what to include and even what to avoid.

Week 3

Make room
for fun

Stop starting over on Monday. Go “off plan” without weight gain.

Week 4

beyond food

Sleep. Stress. Hormones. Gut Health. Inflammation. Metabolism is more than food.

Week 1

Manage your BS

AKA your blood sugar

Blood sugar isn’t just for diabetics. This week lays the foundation for long-term success and sustainable, slow and steady weight loss. Once you understand the science of how food impacts your blood sugar, you’ll know how to pair foods to keep your sugars & hormones in check so you don’t gain 5lb just by looking at a cookie.

Two words: muscle + movement. In this module, you’ll learn how movement affects your metabolism and what types of workouts are working FOR and AGAINST your weight loss/fat burn efforts.

Week 2

Move strategically

Week 3

Make room for fun

What if I told you you’ll never have to start over on Monday again? You’ll learn how to “go off-plan” and not gain weight, how to beat bloating while traveling, and, yes, how to boss your bartender so you can enjoy weekends and social events without “budgeting” for them all week long.

Sleep. Stress. Hormones. Gut Health. This module is all about health factors beyond food. You’ll learn all about cravings, inflammation, hormones,  and gut health and how sleep and stress levels impact alllll of it.

Week 4

Move beyond food

The next round of Metabolism Makeover starts on August 5!

Save your spot now and get instant access to the Metabolism Makeover app, workouts, and trainings!

Metabolism Makeover

Our most popular program
or 2 payments of $199

Instant access to the MM app with 20+ video/audio lessons

Weekly live trainings with Megan

Weekly accountability email check-ins with an MM dietitian

Daily email reminders and tips from Megan

Grocery + swap lists to substitute ingredients you don’t like, can’t have, or don’t want

7-day vegan meal plan

Two 30-day metabolism-boosting meal plans (1 omnivore, 1 vegetarian)

Weekly homework to keep you on track

4-week Metabolically-Supportive Workout program

+3 included bonus offers!

because there's always room for fun

The Dining Out Guide: So you don’t have to worry about being “that girl” while you’re out living your best life.

Private Community: We got you. So does the private MM community where you can ask questions and share wins.

One FREE month of our continuation program (M3)

Hey, I’m Megan,

and this is my 10-year relationship with metabolism in 2 minutes:

10 years ago, my metabolism was wrecked. I was 20 lbs heavier and a crazy calorie tracker, and I worked out rain or shine. I was taught that everything I was doing was the textbook prescription for weight loss. But it wasn’t working. I had just gotten my credentials as a dietitian, but I was inflamed, obsessed with food, and hated my body. I said f*ck calories in/calories out, and I pulled out my science books.

When I started studying human metabolism, I realized I had been doing this all wrong. It wasn’t just about calories. It was about blood sugar, hormones, neurotransmitters, inflammation, gut health. Once I figured out *how* my body actually worked, everything clicked. I was no longer preoccupied with food. I didn’t stress out over dinners, drinking, or vacations. I could finally just live my life knowing I had total control of my body and my health. Food wasn’t the boss of me anymore.

I have a team of powerhouse registered dietitians to back me up and to help support you through Metabolism Makeover.

Is Metabolism Makeover right for you?

It's def for you if...

You want to trust yourself with food 

You want to know HOW your body and biology work - not just what to do to drop a dress size

You want to be the boss of your plate and not let food boss you

You want to be the boss of your plate and not let food boss you

You think your body is broken and weight loss just “isn’t for you”

You gain 5lbs just LOOKING at a cookie

Your cravings are out of control and you’re relying on willpower to lose weight

You’ve tried anything and everything to lose weight and think “I guess this is just how I look now”

It's not for you if...

You want to lose 10 lbs by next month 

You’re not ready to rehab your relationship with MyFitnessPal

You’re looking for your next quick fix 

You’re not willing to try something completely different

You have an active eating disorder or are in treatment for one

You’re not ready to take radical responsibility for your body and your life

It’s never been this easy to stay connected to MM.

With our new Metabolism Makeover web app, consider your path to food freedom just that much easier.

Sold, but not sure?

We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee

from the date of purchase—just show proof of your work and participation.*

Have questions?
Well, we have answers.

*DETAILS: The Metabolism Makeover 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee applies only to those who 1) request a refund within 14 days of their date of purchase and 2) can show proof of their work, participation, and involvement in all aspects of the Metabolism Makeover experience, including but not limited to signing up for and completing achievements in the Metabolism Makeover web app, signing up for and engaging in the Metabolism Makeover Community, and participating in calls and/or other community events.

Get Megan's Sunday Letter

Every week, Megan pops into your inbox with whatever's on her mind. Think of it like a voice memo from your bestie except that it's an email and jam-packed with useful information. This isn't a regular newsletter. This is a cool newsletter.

Pricing Details for MM 1:1 VIP Coaching
Length of Coaching Program
Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
Email Check-ins
Unlimited Private Messaging
Personalized Plans
Lab Testing
Lab Interpretation & Protocol
Available Labs at Additional Cost
Weight Loss
*payment plans available
Elle, Katie, Brianna, and Leigh
Weight Loss
Length of Coaching Program
4 Months
Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
8 Calls
Email Check-ins
Unlimited Private Messaging
Personalized Plans
Lab Testing
Included: HTMA
Lab Interpretation & Protocol
Available Labs at Additional Cost
starting at:
*payment plans available
Blood Sugar, PCOS, Gut
Length of Coaching Program
4 or 6 Months
Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
5–8 Calls
Email Check-ins
Unlimited Private Messaging
Personalized Plans
Lab Testing
Included: HTMA and GI Map
Lab Interpretation & Protocol
Available Labs at Additional Cost
starting at:
*payment plans available
Length of Coaching Program
6 Months
Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
12 Calls
Email Check-ins
Unlimited Private Messaging
Personalized Plans
Lab Testing
Included: HTMA
Lab Interpretation & Protocol
Available Labs at Additional Cost